
Adverse alcohol use and oral health

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  • Leandro M. Oliveira
  • Thayná R. Pelissari


Objective: To determine whether different alcohol intake dimensions: average alcohol volume consumed (AVC), binge drinking (BD),
and alcohol-related consequences (ARC) are associated with self-rated oral health (SROH). Methods: Secondary cross-sectional analysis
of The Brazilian National Health Survey of 2019 data. BD was considered when an individual reported a past-month heavy drinking
episode. ARC referred to experiences such as past-year blackouts, concerns from others, or failure in routine activities. Adjusted multivariate Poisson regression models with robust variance were employed to calculate the prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals
(CI) of SROH across the entire sample and stratified by sex and age. Results: The sample comprised 88,531 participants aged 18 years
or older. Individuals experiencing at least one past-year ARC had an 11% (95% CI: 1.07, 1.15) higher prevalence of poor SROH than
their abstainers’ counterparts. Associations were more pronounced among men aged less than 50 (PR = 1.09; 95% CI: 1.03, 1.15) and
women aged 50 years or more (PR = 1.15; 95% CI: 1.01, 1.30). Conclusion: Alcohol-related consequences predicted poor SROH. Oral
health inquiries should include the screening for ARC in addition to traditional measurements of AVC or BD, since such exposures may
not fully capture the role of alcohol on oral health impairment.
Keywords: epidemiology, oral health, self-assessment, alcohol drinking, alcoholism

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