
Community Dental Health

Cover Date
December 2023 Supplement
Print ISSN
Electronic ISSN

Articles from this issue

Title Level Of Access Page StartPage EndD.O.I. Action
BASCD 2023 Abstract #01 Co-producing a film showcasing the dental experiences of community returners (ex-offenders) open access 1 1 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract01 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #02 General dental practitioners’ experience of the pandemic in Scotland: implications for policy open access 2 2 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract02 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #03 “Nothing about me, without me”, shared decision-making in dentistry: a scoping review open access 3 3 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract03 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #04 An upward trend in sugar-sweetened beverages-attributable burden in Ireland and the UK open access 4 4 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract04 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #05 A stakeholder co-design approach for designing a dental service for homeless adults open access 5 5 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract05 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #06 Outcomes of community based undergraduate dental education in Europe: a scoping review open access 6 6 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract06 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #07 The oral health of Irish prisoners: Dublin prison pilot casenote review open access 7 7 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract07 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #08 The oral health of children with type 1 diabetes: a literature review open access 8 8 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract08 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #09 The contribution of dental expenditure to impoverishment: a pooled cross-sectional study open access 9 9 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract09 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #10 High-fluoride toothpaste and CQC standards in care homes: an evidence-based initiative open access 10 10 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract10 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #11 Overcoming sensory barriers to facilitate dental treatment in patients with special needs open access 11 11 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract11 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #12 Fluoridation on social media: nuisance, noise or necessary evil? open access 12 12 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract12 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #13 Perceptions towards dental care provision among adults with Cystic Fibrosis: a cross-sectional questionnaire study open access 13 13 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract13 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #14 Disparities in oral healthcare attendance among Irish adults: a cross-sectional study open access 14 14 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract14 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #15 Perceived wellbeing and stress in undergraduate dental students in Cork, Ireland open access 15 15 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract15 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #16 Barriers and facilitators to including dentistry in a regional shared health record open access 16 16 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract16 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #17 Evaluating the complexity of patients using the Case Mix Tool open access 17 17 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract17 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #18 Service evaluation of an integrated dental model for people experiencing homelessness open access 18 18 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract18 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #19 Can dental care professionals lead to improve oral health in care homes? open access 19 19 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract19 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #20 Oral Health baseline assessment tool for London elderly care homes: an evaluation open access 20 20 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract20 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #21 Autistic children and young people’s key messages for improving dental care experiences open access 21 21 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract21 Download
BASCD 2023 ABSTRACT #22 Impact of reducing water fluoride on fluorosis in maxillary central incisors open access 22 22 10.1922/CDH_BASCD23_Abstract22 Download
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