
Community Dental Health

Cover Date
June 2024
Print ISSN
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Articles from this issue

Title Level Of Access Page StartPage EndD.O.I. Action
CDH Board June 2024 open access 89 89 <br /><b>Notice</b>: Undefined variable: doi in < Download
Dental Public Health in Action: IDEA tool: Establishing a prioritisation matrix for oral health improvement interventions open access 90 94 10.1922/CDH_00248DPHRaison Download
A quality appraisal of economic evaluations of community water fluoridation: A systematic review open access 95 105 10.1922/CDH_00167Cronin11 Download
Adverse alcohol use and oral health full access 106 110 10.1922/CDH_00239Oliveira05 Download
The oral health of adults with learning disabilities: A secondary analysis of the Adult Dental Health Survey 2009 full access 111 116 10.1922/CDH_00251Bird06 Download
Children's experiences during their first dental visit: A qualitative study full access 117 121 10.1922/CDH_00250Tahani05 Download
Caries experience, obesity and demographic factors in school children: A cluster analysis full access 122 127 10.1922/CDH_00267Hilasaca-Mamani06 Download
Untangling the truth: User engagement with misinformation in toothache-related Facebook posts full access 128 133 10.1922/CDH_00190Menezes06 Download
Effect of family cohesion on oral health predictors in children and adolescents: A systematic review full access 134 139 10.1922/CDH_00024Bhadauria06 Download
Tobacco advertising and oral health among never smokers: the mediating role of secondhand smoke exposure full access 140 144 10.1922/CDH_00053Oliveira05 Download
Is there a causal relationship between autoimmune diseases and oropharyngeal cancer? full access 145 151 10.1922/CDH_00274Hua07 Download
Book Review: Rearranged. An opera singer's facial cancer and life transposed. Written by Kathleen Watt, Heliotrope Books, New York, 2023 open access 152 152 10.1922/CDH_June24BookReview01 Download
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