
Community Dental Health

Cover Date
December 2022 Supplement
Print ISSN
Electronic ISSN

Articles from this issue

Title Level Of Access Page StartPage EndD.O.I. Action
Introduction: Abstracts of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) Scientific Meetings 2022 open access 1 1 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Intro Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 01- Adults in local authorities with community water fluoridation have better dental health open access 2 2 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract01 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 02- The health service impacts of alternative options to paediatric dental general anaesthetics open access 3 3 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract02 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 03- Modelling access to dental care, exploring deprivation and rurality in NE England open access 4 4 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract03 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 04- The discharge letter: a tool to reduce paediatric dental caries open access 5 5 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract04 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 05- Suicide risk and prevention of patients attending Adult Dental Trauma Clinic open access 6 6 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract05 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 06- Evaluation of Remote Oral Health Consultations provided during the Covid-19 Pandemic open access 7 7 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract06 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 07- Oral health within the justice system, involving the public in research design open access 8 8 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract07 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 08- A cross-sectional study on patient experiences of receiving oral hygiene advice open access 9 9 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract08 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 09- Exploring barriers to delivering oral hygiene advice in general dental practice open access 10 10 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract09 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 10 - Impact of COVID-19 on Referrals for child Dental General Anaesthesia in England open access 11 11 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract10 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 11- Helping Hands: A Trismus Appliance for Patients with Restricted Hand Movement open access 12 12 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract11 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 12- Are traumatic dental injuries an indicator of adolescents’ non-suicidal self-injury behaviour? open access 13 13 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract12 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 13- Association between dental caries and obesity among Brazilian schoolchildren open access 14 14 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract13 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 14- Make someone smile! Supporting mouthcare for vulnerable groups during a pandemic open access 15 15 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract14 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 15- Are inequalities in NHS primary-care dental services in Scotland widening with COVID-19? open access 16 16 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract15 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 16- Water fluoridation for dental caries prevention in Scotland: a systematic review open access 17 17 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract16 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 17- Qualitative Evaluation of the BASCD Free Sugars Position Statement open access 18 18 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract17 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 18- How are dental professionals taught to deliver oral hygiene advice? open access 19 19 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract18 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 19- Facilitators to oral health behaviours and access for Applied/Clinical Neurodiverse adults open access 20 20 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract19 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 20- Impact of deprivation status on access to general dental services during COVID-19 open access 21 21 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract20 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 21- Lip and Oral Cavity, Nasopharynx and Other Pharynx Cancer Burden in Europe open access 22 22 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract21 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 22- Raising sustainability awareness in a dental teaching hospital: a quality improvement project open access 23 23 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract22 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 23- Healthy Smiles Pan-London Pilot: tackling oral health inequalities in Children Looked After open access 24 24 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract23 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 24- Barriers and Dental Care Pathways for Children Looked After in the UK open access 25 25 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract24 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 25- Service evaluation of a new unscheduled paediatric dental service in Lothian, Scotland open access 26 26 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract25 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 26- ‘Stay Smiling’: Co-producing an oral health training programme for care homes open access 27 27 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract26 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 27- Caregivers’ perceptions of access to dental care for children with Down Syndrome open access 28 28 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract27 Download
BASCD 2022 ABSTRACT 28- A reflexive mapping, and website, to help understand homeless service provision open access 29 29 10.1922/CDH_BASCD22_Abstract28 Download
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